Professor Marek Lubusky, MD, PhD, MHAProfessor Marek Lubusky, MD, PhD, MHA

Machač Š., Procházka M., Ľubušký M. Prevalence of inherited thrombophilia in patients with severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Prakt. Gyn., 2007, 11 (3), s. 77-80.


Summary: Prevalence of iherited thrombophilia in patients with severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Objective: to determine the prevalence of markers of inherited thrombophilia in patients with severe form of ovarian hypesrtimulation syndrome (OHSS).

Design: Cohort study.

Material and methods: blood samples were analysed for markers of thrombophilias (mutation of factor V – Leiden, mutation of methylentetrahydropholat reductase (MTHFR) C677T, mutation of prothrombin G20210A and antithrombin, protein C, protein S deficiencies). Study group consist of women who underwent controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for IVF complicated by severe OHSS (group A, n = 50). Results were compared with two controls groups – women who underwent ovarian hyperstimulation for IVF without developing OHSS (group B, n = 93) and healthy pregnant women with no history of infertility (group C, n = 196).

Results: we found 7 out of 50 patients from group A positive for Leiden mutation (heterozygots) in comparison with 11 out of 93 from group B (heterozygots), p = 0,71 OR 1,21 (0,39 – 3,70) and 10 out of 196 from group C (heterozygots), p = 0,03 OR 3,03 (0,97–9,28). The polymorphism of MTHFR 677T gene was detected in 17 out of 50 patients (heterozygots) from group A, in 36 out of 93 patients from group B (35 heterzygots, 1 homozygot) and in 93out of 196 patients from group C (86 heterozygots, 7 homozygots) with no statistical significance. One patient from group A and one patient from group B had protein S deficiency, we did not find any protein C or antithrombin deficiencies.

Conclusion: we found increased prevalence of factor V Leiden mutation in Czech infertile women. Carriers of Leiden mutation had no ehanced risk of development severe form of OHSS during stimulation.

Key words: ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, thrombophilia, factor V Leiden mutation

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Professor Marek Lubusky, MD, PhD, MHA

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
University Hospital Olomouc
Zdravotníků 248/7, 779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 585 852 785
Mobil: +420 606 220 644