Professor Marek Lubusky, MD, PhD, MHAProfessor Marek Lubusky, MD, PhD, MHA

Skřivánek A., Lubušký M., Studničková M., Holusková I., Procházka M., Poruchy funkce štítné žlázy v těhotenství. Čes. Gynek., 2013, 78 (1), s. 99-106. (Disorders of the thyroid gland in pregnancy)


Functional disorder of the thyroid gland affects individuals of all ages. Incidence and nature of the disease is influenced by supplying iodine, genetic and immunological factors and other external effects. Increased function occurs in 1–2% of the adult population, reduced function in the younger population diagnosed in about 5%, in women aged over 50 years we have beenat 10–15%. The incidence of thyroid diseases is higher in women than in men (5–8:1) and significantly increases with age. Approximately as common as overt forms of thyroid disease are their subclinical forms. Thyroid disease, especially asymptomatic reduction of function for direct examination is diagnosed up to 5% of pregnant women. Untreated decreased thyroid function of mothers may have significant negative impact on the course of pregnancy, as well as on fetal development, especially in the psychomotoric area. Women with the presence of antithyroid antibodies are at risk of pregnancy deepening malfunctions and/or postpartum thyroiditis. Czech Endocrinological Society currently pursuing a systematic screening of other risk population groups, including notably the pregnant and nursing women, women in old age and ill with some other disease or treatment with certain drugs.

KEYWORDS hypothyroidism – pregnancy – thyrotropin – free thyroxine – triiodothyronine – antithyroidantibodies

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Professor Marek Lubusky, MD, PhD, MHA

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
University Hospital Olomouc
Zdravotníků 248/7, 779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 585 852 785
Mobil: +420 606 220 644